Saturday 22 September 2012

Summertime in San Francisco Part 1's been a while. Back from a fantastic trip to blighty, we're going to get back into this blogging game. It was amazing seeing all our family and friends again and we had some lovely times up and down the good old UK. Except for those bloody mary, garlic vodka shots.

We'll come back to our UK visit, but first a quick post about our latest favourite place on the planet - San Francisco - where we stopped off for 2 nights on our way back to Oz.

After yet another comedy flight with United (although this one ended up in our favour) we arrived late afternoon and headed to our hotel in North Beach.

San Francisco greeted us with this spectacular view of a double rainbow from our bedroom window. Wowzers.

A luminous welcome

Our lovely room in Hotel Boheme
Our hotel was beautiful and cosy and just a few metres from some notable SF spots e.g where FF Coppola wrote The Godfather screen play and the City Lights Bookstore where the beat generation had it's birth. Plus lots of Italian restaurants...always a good thing. We ventured out for a couple of drinks and some pizza and started planning the next day.

The next morning we started with a massive danish pastry and a walk to see one of the most crooked, steep streets in the world - Lombard Street. Walking there we encountered some additional fairly steep streets.
Quite slopey

Our first view of Alcatraz
San Francisco seemed to us a bit like New've seen it so many times on film you think you've been there before. Also after loads of people had told us San Francisco would be damp and chilly, we had wall to wall blue skies the whole time, not one glimpse of the famous fog.

Hopping on the cable car we had lots of amazing views of the city.

Lombard street and the Coit Tower in the distance

Downhill in cable cars

Blimey, it's hilly
The drivers were entertaining and thankfully very competent on what seemed like impossible hills. We rode to the downtown area and hopped on a train to Mission. Lots of central and south american immigration have given this area a distinct look and feel. Apart from anything else, we'd read it was an amazing place to get a burrito. And so it was....
We went to La Taqueria...and it was A-mazing.

Mission is also home to some amazing, colourful murals. Some have been there years and some are much more recent, but most are around a social or political theme. But are also very beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a good the photos of the murals, thank God it was sunny.
