Saturday 16 July 2011


Thought we'd start with a little retrospective since it's taken us a while to join back in with the Modern Age of internet.

Ben is in love with the Airbus 380. We were bottom deck on the London to Singapore leg, but top deck on the second leg to Sydney. More spacious upstairs and you can get a special little luggage side compartment (small things please us!). The flight took 24 hrs in total, but luckily we were both so shattered from the wedding, packing malarkey that we slept a fair bit. Also watched very good film Win Win with Paul Giamatti - highly recommended.

Ben in Singapore gazing at his new love

We arrived in Sydney about 7am. Got in a taxi to the hotel (our first experience of the fun that is a taxi ride here - Sydney really needs to introduce The Knowledge!) where unfortunately our room wasn't ready, so with a coffee inside us we set out exploring still wearing the clothes we were wearing two days previously. Who knew though that Sydney could be quite so wet. It started chucking it down. Little did we know that was just the start of a week long deluge!!! Even in the rain and our groggy, smelly state though our first sighting of the harbour and opera house was pretty exhilarating. 

We look pretty ropey here, but that's the Opera House!!!!!! We also got on a ferry round the harbour as it was too rainy to be outside.

Some more rainy Sydney shots

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