Monday 19 September 2011

Run Benny Run

An unseasonably warm Spring day (31 degrees), a 9 kilometre route through the sometimes slopey heart of Sydney and three weeks of training. What could possibly go wrong for novice ginger runner Ben Weatherley......

.....well nothing actually. The sun shone, the views were stunning and it was all completed in a very respectable 55 minutes.

The 9k is just one of three events at the Sydney Running Festival - the other 2, a half and a full marathon, were probably not so much fun in 31 degrees, but the 9k was not bad at all. Over the harbour bridge, round the botanic gardens and finishing by the Opera House - a very scenic run. We even looked after some 'celebrity' runners for work before the race. Probably not worth mentioning who.

I know. This is one serious athlete.
A scenic and civilized start. Sunshine and a flat white.
Red, sweaty but rather pleased with ourselves at the end
Some redder than others

Midis and schooners all round
Ben wore his medal to bed. Seriously.

Saturday 3 September 2011

It's Bananas!!

Australia is reasonably expensive it turns out - and some things are more expensive than others!

The terrible floods in Queensland (the main banana producing area) in recent years have had quite an impact on the price of bananas! We were utterly oblivious to this until I was called a show off by someone at work for eating a banana. I listened in shock to the explanation and then checked our shopping receipts when I got home. Turned out we'd spent about $42 dollars on 5 bananas. The banana is a luxury item. Now we mostly eat mandarins.