Monday 5 December 2011

Some of our favourite wedding pics!

In honour of our 6 month wedding anniversary...
The groom and entourage arrive....


Meanwhile back at the ranch.....

And so we arrive....

The best bridal party picture ever?

Mr and Mrs Weatherley!!!
Just making sure that confetti gets you....

Yep, I think that one got you....
The shape of things to come.......

Where's that bus....

Die Dorf Fest Kapelle got the afternoon reception off to a rousing start:

The lovely brass band

Bunting a go go

Zoe resplendent in florals

All respect to Steve in the woollen uniform on a hot hot hot June day

And we move upstairs for speeches....

And so it begins.....

No caption needed
The terrifying first dance

 Good song though:

A splendid collection of buns and tarts. Thank you Mums, Nan and Bo.


And the dance floor!!!

Between the tie swinging and the Kirk roll


The Weatherleys and a Pilling. Not a drink all night.
and let's have that one again.....

Wednesday 16 November 2011

South Pacific Adventure Part II (Blu Ray version)

We'll post another couple of Vanuatu blogs to give you a bit more of an idea of the fun things we got up to, and how amazing Vanuatu is.

You remember on the previous post how we mentioned that Vanuatu's history as a massive base for US troops during WWII? Of course you do - you were paying attention.

Anyway - a legacy of this is that there are absolutely LOADS of things that that the americans left behind when they left (intentional and unintentional). These range from the world's best dive site (USS President Coolridge) to crash-landed Corsair planes, to dumps full of 1940's bottles of Coke and hand grenades. It's really fascinating. Many of the villages have collected a lot of the items and have created their own 'museums' of the artifacts they've found. They're really proud of them (understandably so) and WWII means a lot to them as it really changed their lives, and allowed them to meet outsiders for the first time in lots of cases.

Anyway - we decided that it would be fun to visit one of these sites to look at a museum and more excitingly snorkel at a crash site of a WWII era corsair plane which crash landed in a lagoon. The guidebook said that a fella named Erik would row you out there. Easy. Or so we thought....

This was Erik's museum at the end of a track which made us glad we'd hired a 4WD Jeep.

But the fun was only just beginning......out we went with Erik on his boat. First of all he paddled us out through the amazing mangrove

Anna was getting a bit worried by this stage as we'd be going for a while and it wasn't apparent how we'd get back in the boat...

And then out into the lagoon. There was a bit of a wind getting up, and Ben being not the thinnest of men, the paddling was a bit of a struggle for Erik as we were getting further out to sea

At last we stopped in the middle of the lagoon and right below us in about 2 meters of water was an amazing Corsair plane which had crashed on it's approach to the local air strip. It was incredible to snorkel all alone, up close to such an amazing wreck. We'd bought a waterproof case for our camera so used it to take this video...

After a while we had to head back - Ben elegantly doing a passable impression of a beached whale trying to get back in the small boat. Thankfully the wind was with us on the way back so Erik could avoid a heart attack. All in all - what an afternoon!